Risk in Social Media

In the realm of new marketing, it is no longer acceptable nor functional to just talk about a product. Today’s audiences are best captured via rich content and web 2.0 marketing platforms such as social networks which are far less expensive than traditional marketing channels. These networks are utilized to generate an emotion and in turn establish a connection with the viewer, ultimately strengthening the position of a brand. However, It is very important to recognize that there are still risks marketers need to consider when implementing social networks. In the case of Sunsilk Gang of Girls, the audience is immediately drawn to the emotional connection of a culture. The marketing strategy focuses on implementation of Indian opinion leaders on social networks to capture the audience of young, trendy Indian women. Sunsilk implemented web 2.0 technology to enhance brand salience and positivity.

In the case of Ford Fiesta movement, the audience is drawn in to the emotional connection of social status, feeling cool and hip. The marketing strategy focuses on implementation of ‘’customer agent’’ opinion leaders on social networks to capture the audience of young and hip ‘’Millennials’’. Ford implemented wed 2.0 technology to build brand awareness and buzz.

In the case of Lady Gaga, the audience is connected to the star iconography, in which an emotional connection of belonging and acceptance is established by the icon. The marketing strategy focuses on implementation of the persona of an icon on social networks to capture the audience of people who feel that they don’t fit in. Lady GaGa used web 2.0 technology to create ‘’mass intimacy’’, thus creating a connection and expanding her brand.

The success of all of these marketing campaigns is in the flexibility of the Internet in the ability to adjust messages according to the intent of the campaign. The social network platforms utilized, provided a channel which established a deep personal connection between the viewer and the brand. An emotion was established, drawing the viewer in. Additionally, another beneficial factor is knowing your audience. All of these strategies focused on establishing user generated content, through which marketers learn about their audience and are able to establish a concise message in order to keep the brand alive. As with any new technology, marketers need to be sensitive to the risks in implementing social media.

Some of these risks can include:
Social Media Risks for Businesses
1) Viruses and malware — Data leakage/theft. Prevention: Make sure antivirus and anti-malware controls are installed and updated daily. Create updating policies, standards, and training. 
2) Brand hijacking — Customer gets exposed to hijacked and fraudulent presence. Prevention: Find a firm that can protect your brand. Update customers on potential fraud.
 3) Lack of control over corporate content — When employees post wrong or improper information on social media sites. Prevention: Establish clear policies that dictate what can and cannot be shared. Create the capability to capture and log all communications.
 4) Unrealistic expectations of customer service at Internet-speed. Prevention: Make sure staff can handle traffic associated with social media presence. Create notice with clear timeline for responses. 
5) Mismanagement of electronic communications that may be impacted by retention regulations or e-discovery. Prevention: Establish policies and processes that ensure all communications are tracked. My favorite part of this report lists the risks of employees’ personal use of social media. (ilanaarazie 2010)

Take for example, the Tony La Russa,Manager of the St. Louis Cardinals Major League baseball team impersonation and name squatting case. In May 2009, La Russa sued Twitter for trademark infringement for allowing an impersonator to use La Russa’s name as a Twitter profile name and post offensive “tweets” under the name. (Hawkins 2010)

Social Media Risks for Employees
Inappropriate use: Using personal accounts to communicate work related information. Harmful brand management: Posting pictures, videos or information that could damage a company’s reputation and Brand. Time Management: Time taken by employees using social media at work. (Spence 2010)
And so I pose the question, do the benefits outweigh the risks? Are there any other viable solutions to alleviate the risks?

Hawkins, M. “When Marketing Through Social Media, Legal Risks Can Go Viral” (May 20120) Retrieved from: http://www.venable.com/files/Publication/b4f467b9-0666-4b36-b021-351540962d65/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/019f4e5f-d6f8-4eeb-af43-40a4323b9ff1/Social_Media_white_paper.pdf

Anthony La Russa v. Twitter, Inc., Case Number CGC-09-488101 (Cal. Super. Ct., San Fran. Co., May 6, 2009). Ilanaarazie “5 Social Media Risks for Companies and Employees… And How To Prevent Them” (2010) Retrieved from: http://socialtimes.com/5-social-media-risks-for-companies-and-employees-and-how-to-prevent-them_b14745

Spence, T. “The Risks of Using Social Media in Business” (2010) (Retrieved from: http://blog.wsidigitalmarketing.com/index.php/social-2/the-risks-of-using-social-media-in-business/

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